In light of the Christmas season, we decided to have a day of giving back. Christ came to earth to give his life for us, the ultimate sacrifice. He taught us to most importantly love others. So I think it's very important to teach our children to show love for others. Even people we don't know. Sometimes it's easy to show love to people you are close too, but it is very difficult to show love to a stranger. Kevin and I decided this year to have to kids clean the house and earn money. They spent the money they earned at the grocery store on can foods to donate to the Pike Outreach Center. They worked really hard. They scrubbed walls, washed windows, scoured the bathtubs, cleaned rooms, vacuumed, dusted and the list goes on. They worked diligently for three hours straight. They earned $10 each.
Maggie scrubbed the kitchen table and all 8 chairs.
Carter cloroxed the shower.
Jada and Kennedy dusted (in dress-ups of course)
Each of the kids cleaned out their toys and found several bags of toys they no longer play with to be donated to the Christian Women's Center. Even Kennedy donated a bag of toys she had outgrown. We dropped the toys off after we bought our can goods.
Jada and a bag of toys she was donating.
Kennedy trying to help with the donate bag.
Each child got there money and a grocery basket.
Shopping for can foods!
Adding up the totals to make sure they spent it all.
Checking out.
Donating our bags of can goods.
Jada dropping her bag in.
They all worked so hard to earn their money, and never complained. I am so very proud of the sweet, beautiful, precious children God has given me and I pray that I will raise them the way He wants me too. To love others, and love Him.