Thursday, November 08, 2012

Honey Balsamic Vinegar Pork Chops

This Pork Chop recipe turned out a lot better than I expected. I often have problems with the chops drying out on the grill, so I was a little concerned. But they exceeded my expectations! They were fairly easy to make, until the actual cooking part, which was a little tricky at first. But after I adjusted the heat, they did just perfect! 

That's a plate full of yumminess!

Honey Balsamic Vinegar Pork Chops:
Ease: ** Taste: ****

1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
3 tbsp honey
1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped
4-6 Bone-in Pork chops

Allow several hours for your pork chops to marinate  In a bowl whisk together vinegar, olive oil, honey and rosemary. Add to a gallon zip bag with salt and peppered pork chops. 
Heat sautee pan on medium. Place chops in pan and discard marinade. Cook 5-6 mins on each side. Turn heat up during the last 2  mins to brown the pork chops to your liking. Allow to rest 5 mins before serving. 

Mix up the marinade.

Add the marinade and pork chops to a gallon zip bag. Reserve 2 tablespoons for drizzling on top when finished cooking.

Heat pan to med and cook 5-6 mins on each side.

Turn heat up at the end to brown.

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